How to prevent an autopsy in Israel?

[In regards to this story:]?

Distorting his voice and using a nickname, one of the Yeshiva students who kidnapped the body of haredi girl to prevent doctors from performing an autopsy? to determine the cause of her death told Ynet, “not even at my wedding was I that happy � what a terrible feeling it would have been if she would have fell into the wrong hands.”Speaking to Radio Kol Hai, he described how he and his friends planned the kidnapping, what motivated them and when they buried the body.

Meanwhile, police in Ashdod arrested a man suspected of involvement in the kidnapping. Another suspect was released on Monday after no evidence was found linking him to the kidnapping.

Using the nickname Moshe, the student told the radio host that he used a plastic bag to smuggle the body from the scene without raising police suspicion. “No one dreamt that a student will carry a plastic bag with a body in it,” he said.

Police suspect the girl died of an infection after her parents refused to give her antibiotics under strict vegan diet instructions……

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