Rabbi Lau – Under fire

Ynet: Four prominent members of the gay community have sent a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert requesting that he retract his support for the election of former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Lau as president, this after the rabbi criticized the Gay Pride Parade? and homosexuality in general in a recent interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, GoGay -Israel’s Gay and Lesbian portal – reported.

Lau, the current chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, said in the interview that, �As to same-sex couples �apart from the halichic problems � speaking from a national and human standpoint it pains me to see that an abnormal way of life is replacing the family unit. I am fearful from the rising violence � both among the general public and within the family unit.�

Turning his attention to the Gay Pride Parade, Lau said �I fail to understand the source of pride here. Why do they have to display their personal preferences in public?�

�The parade is an unfortunate event � also because it distorts Tel Aviv�s character. People constantly speak of a parade that takes place once a year, but they do not mention the daily march to the 544 active synagogues in the city,� the rabbi said.

In the letter to Olmert the gay community members, among them former Knesset Member Uzi Even, said �the rabbi has attacked our way of life, and his comparison between same-sex families� way of life and violence is outrageous.

�These remarks, along with those made by other rabbi, eventually lead to action. This was proven during last year�s stabbing incident at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade,� the letter said.

�It is unheard of that a candidate for the presidency will say, even before his election, will declare that an entire segment of the population is not to his liking. What example does this set to those who aim to preserve the discrimination against us � people who are law-abiding, pay taxes and serve in the army?�?

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