Yungerman arrested for double parking

Arrested in CHCHI: At around 5:00 this afternoon a member of Anash double parked his car on Crown St. between Schenectady and Troy to unload luggage,he had just arrived from the airport? for a stay in Crown Heights, when a police officer wrote him a $115 ticket.

According to numerous eyewitnesses the trunk and the door was open �basically; it was clear that he was unloading things from his car� and one bystander even approached the officer that was issuing the summons and asked him �Why are you ticketing him? Can’t you see he is unloading?� to which the officer simply ignored him. When the driver came out the officer was just about to leave, the yungerman asked him why did he issue him the summons as it was obvious he was unloading, in which case the office again replied with ignoring him.The Yungerman decided he will stand up for himself and stood in front of the police car denying the office from leaving the scene. This is where everything went awry. According to by standing witnesses the office got out of his car and grabbed the driver pushing him up onto the sidewalk where he then called for backup and arrested him.

This officer is a dedicated to giving out tickets and has been spotted numerous times giving out tickets for the most minor offenses, and then you wonder why crime is going up.

Later efforts made by members of the community to release him failed and he was processed and sent down to central booking, where he spending the night in a holding cell, and will be released in the morning.

Official statement from the 71st Pct. Is that the car appeared to have been double-parked and there was no sign of active unloading. Another point mentioned is that a police office is not required to answer you, but you do have a right to demand a patrol supervisor, which upon request must be provided.

7 Responses

  1. It has been my experience that NYC traffic police can be extremely overreaching in ticket issuance.

    I was ticketed for being in a loading zone during a Shabbos in Sea Gate. I contested it by showing a picture of my car parked in front of a parking restriction sign (street cleaning on Tues. and Thurs. afternoons) with the arrow pointing forward and aft of my car. It took 2 years and an appeal to get the matter overturned.

    Drivers beware.

  2. why won’t you let the reference to�xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx If this is the case, you are a closet Lubab (something I am Choshed anyway) and we will shut you down.

  3. Try writing the Yated or the Hamodia a letter with that statement in it, and lets see if they will publish it.
    You know the answer.
    By the way, I am FAR from being a Lubab or a “closet Lubab”!

    One more thing: Please shut me down!
    Good Shabbos.

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