Great New Resource For Yeshiva And Bais Yaakov Teachers!

Whether you are a new teacher or a veteran of many years, you are likely always on the lookout for fresh and exciting ideas to enrich your classroom. Achievements Tutoring and Mentoring Services is proud to present resources to help meet this demand. Our website,, features curated collections of resources, supplies, and prizes. There’s also a special section with curriculum that can be purchased using grants.

The RESOURCES section, at, provides links to a dozen websites with an assortment of materials, most of which are offered free. The subjects include math, science, computing, history, language arts, reading, grammar and spelling. All websites have been thoroughly reviewed to ensure that the subject matter and presentation are appropriate for a Yeshiva or Bais Yaakov setting.

Teachers can use these websites to print out worksheets, activities, and lesson plans, including customizable worksheets. Students can find interactive games, activities, and puzzles to help them review their classwork or prepare for new material.

As a teacher, you want to focus on teaching, not on searching for SUPPLIES. Now you no longer need to wander around the internet for hours searching for the right supplies at the best price. Just go directly to for-teachers.html to find an easy to use page with pictures of all sorts of supplies that teachers need. Simply click on an item, and a new tab will open up with choices for that item, sorted by price (lowest first) so you can quickly and easily find what you need.

PRIZES, contests and collectibles remain effective tools in many teachers’ toolkits. The staff at Achievements put together a collection of motivationals that will provide excitement for your students without breaking the bank. All items underwent careful consideration to ensure that they are appropriate for a Yeshiva or Bais Yaakov setting. offers multiple categories of prizes including watches, candy, bike gadgets and two separate pages of trinkets and toys appropriate for girls and boys. Click on any item and order directly from the seller. These
prizes are great for rebbeim, moros, teachers, camps, and Avos U’Banim programs.

Our innovative project-based SCIENCE CURRICULUM at brings scientific concepts to life in a fun and exciting manner. The interactive experiments don’t tell; they show your students. Step by step instructions, supply lists, and student worksheets make it a breeze to bring these projects to life in your classroom. Plus, teachers can watch the video tutorials to get a clear vision of what each project entails, before heading into the classroom.  With close to a dozen experiments spanning topics such as density, motion, weather, and health, this curriculum contains plenty of content to keep students busy and learning throughout the year. The experiments are appropriate for grades 3-10, and each one is labeled with the topic(s) and grade level(s) for which it is most appropriate. Many projects include different sheets for different grades, so the project can be presented to different levels of students. A sample project is available on the website for you to preview. You can see the video, demonstration description, handouts for younger and older students, and an observation sheet.

The entire science curriculum is available on CD for $699, and your school can use its technology grant to cover the cost. Scholarships may be available for individual teachers or schools who do not have access to a technology grant. This curriculum is available now for pre-order, and will be released for the 2018-2019 school year. Please contact Rabbi Odom Edelstein at 248.508.0871 or to purchase or inquire about the Achievements Science Curriculum.

Achievement’s JEWISH HISTORY CURRICULUM tells the story of Klal Yisroel during the last few hundred years. But it does much more than that. It gives students (and teachers!) a sense of who we are as Jews in the 21st century, and the miracle of how we got here. Through these lessons, students will gain a sense of pride in being part of the Jewish nation; part of the people who bear the flag of Hashem’s will in this world, and who merit His guiding hand throughout history. A sample excerpt can be viewed at

The Student Edition (softcover workbook) is available for $24.50 per copy and a book grant can be used to cover this cost. The Teacher’s Edition (softcover book) is $59.99 or FREE with order of 22 books or more. Reviews & Tests come on a CD that can be purchased for $125 using a Technology grant. Scholarships may be available for individual teachers or schools who do not have access to a book grant and/or technology grant. This curriculum is available now for pre-order, and will be released for the 2018- 2019 school year. Please contact Rabbi Odom Edelstein at 248.508.0871 or to purchase or inquire about the Achievements Jewish History Curriculum.

Our WRITING CURRICULUM will teach a variety of writing skills. It is projected to be ready for the 2018/2019 school year and will be featured on the website at as soon as it is prepared for pre-sale. Please contact Rabbi Odom Edelstein at 248.508.0871 or to purchase or inquire about the Achievements Writing Curriculum.

Do you have a CURRICULUM you’d like to share with other teachers? Have you worked hard to put together materials that you know other teacher can benefit from? Contact Yitzchok Friedman today at 347.461.3228 or [email protected] to find out how you can sell your curriculum through Acheivements.

To find out more about any of our resources or services, please visit our website at, or contact us at 732-987-7761 or [email protected].

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