Just IN: A letter from a Grandparent of a Talmid of Mesivta of Waterbury


A little story about Yeshiva of Waterbury, exemplifies the sense of warmth and hospitality the Talmidim feel from the founders, leaders and Rebbis. Around the inception of the Bais Medrash back in 2000, a bachur contacted his former Yeshiva Rebbe who had since moved to the States, and together with Rabbi Ahron Kaufman, established a Bais Medrash in Waterbury. The dormitory was filled to capacity.

However, Rabbi Daniel Kalish invited this Bachur to live at his home so that he could learn at the Bais Medrash. Rabbi Kalish’s natural instinct to ‘find a way’ rather than ‘turn away’ a Bachur, or Talmid is the essence of the success of the since established, Mesivta of Waterbury.

This ‘one of a kind’ Yeshiva, founded by Rabbi Kaufman and Rabbi Kalish, is home for young and impressionable Talmidim from all over including from Eretz Yisrael. This yeshiva opens its arms wide to all its students, helping them grow as individuals and reach their potentials. They come from diversified backgrounds and may simply want to enrich their lives on a spiritual level of Yiddishkeit, not merely conform to its laws.

Others may otherwise not have a place to call “home”, whether at other schools, communities or sadly in their own homes. Still others, may be turned away from learning institutions for reasons which seem harsh and unfair to their families. That places everyone involved in predicaments  which don’t concur with the ways of Hashem, or the Torah (and simply of humanity.)

At Yeshiva of Waterbury, Talmidim are welcomed into a new home, and begin their journeys, at their own pace.

The Yeshiva’s unique “masterplan’,somewhat lenient at its initial stage, soon begins to unfold its wisdom and develop deeply, throughout a Talmid’s journey.

At which point the Talmid puts his faith and trust in the system, he is enveloped by an experience so powerful, through a sense of belonging and unity. Many of Mesivta’s Rebbes, are past students of the Beis Medrash.

It is evident that they and the staff don’t merely teach; they provide understanding, acceptance and a love for learning.

They become great mentors, in every sense of the word.

Through their passion and that of of the yeshiva’s leaders, whose commitment includes ‘open ear’, ‘open heart’, 24 hour a day hospitality, year after year, another graduating class of happy, loving, passionate and deeply inspired Talmidim move on… It is no surprise that the Yeshiva of Waterbury in Connecticut maintains one of the highest success rates, nationwide.

In Response to the Emergency Regarding the Waterbury Mesivta, Lazer and Heather Scheiner will be Matching Donations up to $100,000 for the Next 24 Hours

At the climax of Yom Kippur, during Ne’ilah we cry out to Hashem: פתח לנו שער בעת נעילת שער.

There is a Yeshiva whose door is open to all, Yet today their doors can’t open for the 183 mesivta boys who have no other doors to enter.  Please open their doors and be of assistance to them and their families.

The Waterbury Mesivta  under the auspices of Rabbi Daniel Kalish  develops boys into true Bnei Torah and Aliya that sadly no other Yeshiva would even consider working with. Many Rabbonim and Jewish Leaders will personally attest to our Yeshiva’s unique success.

The Mesivta was recently relocated to a new sprawling campus in Durham, CT. The State will allow the boys to return only upon the completion of the unfinished kitchen and dining facility as well as refurbishing the dormitory.

With your generous and immediate help 183 boys can be in yeshiva for Yomim Noraim.

This Elul let us not say no to the Yeshiva that doesn’t say no and may Hashem respond yes to all your requests.

Please CLICK HERE or go to  https://emergencycampaign.yasw.org/

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