Chareidi Riot UPDATE 5/03/06

Here is the most recent Chareidi riots to strike Jerusalem:

Internet Cafe Destroyed by Chareidim
Dozens of riled up ultra-orthodox broke into a Jerusalem internet caf� Monday, broke the doors and shattered the computers, claiming the place incites the haredi community to commit sins….. On Monday night, the ultra-Orthodox crowd arrived at the internet caf� located in the center of the capital and began harassing other haredi people who were at the place surfing the internet. The rowdy crowd attempted to break into the place, but was unsuccessful after an employee locked the doors. The haredi crowd shattered the glass doors, went in and broke the computers and the cash register……
Anti-Israeli Memorial Day Protest
As Israel collectively mourned its fallen soldiers on the eve of Memorial Day Monday, a few dozen ultra-Orthodox insulted the memory of the fallen when they rioted in Shabbat Square. The demonstrators set garbage cans and dumpsters alight and blocked off the area to traffic. Police were called to the scene and closed it off to pedestrians…….Police confirmed that the demonstration was prompted by Memorial Day and said they viewed the incident with extreme gravity. Despite this, no suspects were arrested. In past years members of the haredi sector have also held unruly demonstrations on Memorial Day. Lately posters have been hung around Jerusalem�s ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood declaring, �Zionists are dogs,� �Beware! Zionists� bite� and �The Zionist beast is not human.� An extremist faction called the �Sikrikim� belonging to Neturei Karta is responsible for the campaign. Police assessed that the signs were pasted up specifically in advance of Independence Day, but added that they could also be expressions of protest for the arrest of Yisrael Vales, the Yeshiva youth accused of beating his three-month-old son to death recently. Vales was released on bail.

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