Dear Anorexia,

Why do you destroy innocent people?  Why do you wreck lives? I used to be so happy and carefree, and now, I am shackled, by you An. They think I am in control. They say I just don’t want to eat. That’s because no one sees or hears you, but me! I am so hungry, I wish I could eat a tiny little bit. But, I don’t have energy. An, tell the world what you will do to me, if I eat just a small cracker!  You are so cruel!  Go away! I am in so much pain, my whole body hurts.

Anorexia, I know you will never leave, but can you go to sleep for just one hour? I so badly want to feel like what it’s like to be normal, not to hear your voice shouting at me, telling me how fat and ugly I am.  You have destroyed me.  

I am so tired always, so weak and exhausted. I have no energy, but I can’t sleep. All I can think about, is how many inches my waist is. I see stars when I try to stand up. Oh An, how you have ruined me! I am just a shell. You have turned me into a sack of bones, that might die! Everything hurts! All my bones protrude, yet I can’t stop! Anorexia, please leave! Tears are pouring down my cheeks! Let me be! No one knows what it’s like to be so cold always. I wear so many layers, and yet there is that permanent chill.  Oh, who will untie my shackles?

Anorexia, please don’t ever do this to another girl! I promise you to never eat or drink for you again. In return, don’t hurt anyone else!!




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