Mashgiach of Ponevezh’s Rebbetzin Diagnosed With Horrific Brain Disease

Mashgiach of Yeshiva Ponevezh Rav Aryeh Leib Shapira released a video on Sunday, addressing klal yisroel with a desperate message. His wife, Rebbetzin Shapira, was diagnosed three years ago with a rare neurological disease that has effectively paralyzed her. Unable to move or complete basic daily tasks, the Rav and his wife have searched for solutions, to no avail.
The Rav recently received rabbinical guidance to seek out a highly unusual solution: There is reportedly a set of treatments available in Colorado which could save the esteemed Rebbetzin’s life. However the treatments cost a total $70,000.
The choshuve family is unable to pay this sum, and unwilling to allow the Rebbetzin’s life to end due to a lack of funds. For this reason Rav Shapira has recorded a moving video [below] and opened a fundraising campaign. The Mashgiach and his family have less than a month to raise the funds needed to save the Rebbetzin’s life.

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