How Research Is Changing The Future Of Jewish Education

From decades of intensive research came programs created to do an essential yet daunting task: getting students to read.

Children and adults with sub-par reading abilities are often held back from excelling in academic and workplace settings. Research has made it clear that these individuals have tremendous potential for growth. It is imperative, however, that those seeking help find educators with research-based training.

The frum community has now benefitted for over 15 years from the Multi-Sensory Course, a program which has trained both men and women in becoming ‘Kriah experts. .

A research-based training course for educators, the Multi-Sensory Course is renowned for its professionalism, comprehensive nature, and proven success. Its goal? To ensure that every teacher has the tools to reach every student, and that each and every student can learn to read and write Hebrew.

Course co-founder Rabbi Tzvi Fischer relays one striking example of many: “[One] parent, a teacher in … school, describes two children that both were well below class level at the beginning of the year. After only four months of remedial work with one of our trainees, the children were both reading multi-syllable words and proud readers!”

Another letter from a parent glowed with praise for the course’s methods: “My first grade son, Y—— Y—, came into this year struggling with his kriah. We were very nervous what was going to be. …. When I sit with him as we do homework and hear him read 4 to 5 letter words, I can’t believe this is the same boy who was struggling just a few months ago.”

In this 8-day training program, educators from around the world learn the research and are trained in an array of proven techniques, in an environment that is professional and ensures their success.

For students who were previously not provided the tools to unlock their fullest potential, and those who hope for their success, this is truly the future of Jewish education.

Those interested can contact [email protected] or (845) 422-3922 for more information about the July 9th-18th course.

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