What’s On This Year’s Oorahthon?

Oorahthon preparations are well under way (as Lakewood gears up) for the most exciting event of the year! The Oorahthon is a night of entertainment for all. Kicking off the program with Fiveish Hour from 10-11 pm, kids of all ages can speak to Fiveish and win great prizes by calling 732-FIVEISH. The night continues with live entertainment from singers Dovid Gabay, Uri Davidi, and Mendy J and siyum celebrations. A fundraising Shark Tank segment is sure to be interesting, as well as the intriguing and open discussions with school administrators about the tuition problem.  Here’s your opportunity to say your piece, email your questions to [email protected]. And of the course, the evening culminates in the drawing of the Oorah Auction with over $300,000 worth of prizes!


Watch live at oorahauction.org, call the Oorahthon hotline at 718-557-0555 or 718-557-0505, or listen on your local radio station: NY Metro Area WABC 770 AM, WMCA 570AM, and in Lakewood at WMDI 107.9 FM. The Oorahthon is taking place THIS  Motzai Shabbos, May 20th at 10 pm. You don’t want to miss out!



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