Bonus Tickets to Israel Drawing Today!

It’s your last chance! In advance of the Oorahthon this Motzai Shabbos, with your donation to the Oorah Auction, you’ll also be entered to a bonus last chance raffle to win tickets to Israel. 6 winners will be drawn today from 9 am to 9 pm. That’s right, besides for winning all the other great Auction prizes, you can also win bonus tickets to Israel. Donate now to get a chance to win. Make sure you’ve entered before the deadline.

Don’t delay or you’ll also miss:

  1. $6,000 worth of herring (or electronics or  books or fidget spinners or whatever else your heart desires)
  2. The absolute joy of waking up one day $36,000 richer
  3. Taking your entire family of 12 to Eretz Yisroel
  4. The beach chair that will leave you stuck for a week-long vacation (pink lemonade included)
  5. The crowds and dancing at your very own hachnasas sefer torah
  6. $150 a week to spend on whatever you like (see #1 for ideas. Or just ask your friends)
  7. Shadchanim banging down your doors because you’ll have $25,000 worth of shadchanus
  8. The shining car that’ll have heads turning but is absolutely free
  9. A luxurious brand new wig (if you don’t want it your wife certainly will)
  10. The zechus of supporting a yiddishe neshama (Had to say it. You can check for our 41 other great prizes)
  11. Bonus trips to Israel! (Okay, there’s 11, but it’s bonus!)


Enter today,  before the deadline May 16th! Visit


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