Preparing For A Career

In anticipation of the Business Enrichment Course, PCS spoke to graduates from the previous classes.

Q: Tell us about your current job. How did the PCS Business Enrichment Course prepare you for your career?

A: Mordechai Klein: I am a regional manager for a real estate management company. I manage close to 400 units. The education I received is exclusively from the PCS Business Enrichment Course. My computer knowledge—specifically in Excel—is integral for managing my budget.

The accounting classes gave me a firm understanding of monetary concepts; I learned how to use money properly in order to make more money. I also learned to appreciate and utilize the Internet for integral marketing purposes that I use every single day. Without this knowledge I would not have gotten to where I am today.

A: Y.T. I am an administrator in training for a nursing home. This course prepared me in many ways. Coming straight out of yeshiva, I knew nothing about the business world. The computer courses, as well as the accounting courses, were very helpful. The marketing and sales classes were also crucial in teaching me how to recruit new patients. The public speaking courses taught me how to- and how not to- talk to clients and colleagues.

In general, the various fields and views that I learned about were very helpful in launching my career.

Q: For whom would you recommend this course?

A: Mordechai Klein I would recommend this course for someone leaving yeshiva, who is trying to understand the business world and does not yet have a specific goal in mind. This course will give him strong inspiration and direction. The wide array of classes offered in this course will help him determine which field to pursue afterward.

I would also recommend this course for a newbie in the business world. This course will help him take his skills to the next level and increase his value as an employee. It will also give him the necessary skills to successfully launch a business.

Y.T: I would recommend this course to anyone who would like to get to the next level at his current job.

Q: Why is it important to receive proper training from industry experts before entering the business world?

A: M.K. The business world is aggressive and competitive. You don’t have the luxury of making big mistakes. Mistakes can set you back and be very costly.

The instructors are here to help us succeed. They really care about the students and want to put them on their feet. I was in touch with instructors afterward that were very open to assisting me and helped me avoid mistakes.

A: You have one chance to make a first impression; it’s essential to start off on the right foot. With the proper foundation and training, you can go so much further in your career. Every class is important. You never know where your career will lead you to and which skills and insights will put you ahead.

For more information for the Monsey course: call/text 845 459-2059 or email [email protected]

For more information for the Brooklyn course: call/text 662 727-5627 or email [email protected]

There will be an open house in Brooklyn, Thursday May 25th at 8pm @ Kahal Ohr Chaim Hall 1424 49th St.

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