Housebound Mother Pleads For Your Support

Mrs. Faigy Goldman is a loving wife, mother and grandmother. She is proud and honored to take care of her home and tend to the needs of her family, as any Jewish woman would be. For the past 35 years she has been suffering from a horrific and painful form of arthritis known as ankylosing spondylitis. Mrs. Goldman is diagnosed with the worst possible version of this debilitating and devastating disease. Bone growth has caused her spine to become fused; immobilizing her back and lower body. It is impossible for her to sit up straight, to walk or to use her legs in any way. She is in severe and chronic pain. She is confined to a specialized wheelchair and requires customized medical equipment to complete the smallest task.

Even with this painful diagnosis, Mrs. Goldman has a friendly, intelligent and regal manner. She is pleasant and cheerful; she has an elegant, warm smile and a sparkle in her eye. As much as she is able, Mrs. Goldman wishes to lead a normal life and to do normal things. Traveling, sitting, moving, cooking, climbing into bed, all require customized equipment.

Right now Mrs. Goldman is housebound. Her “Inclined Platform Elevator Lift” for her Wheelchair in the front of her home is broken and it is too old to be properly repaired. She is in desperate need of an electric elevator lift. In addition, the Goldman home needs minor construction to widen the entrance to the kitchen.

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Mrs. Goldman has not entered her kitchen for ten years; her wheelchair does not fit through the doorway. She deeply wishes to gain entrance into her kitchen.

Please help us to raise the necessary funds to assist the Goldman family to make these much needed adjustments to their home. Please help Mrs. Goldman to once again, enjoy fresh air, sunshine and witness spring-time first hand. Please contribute now and take part in restoring the dignity and independence of a remarkable eishes chayil.

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Mrs. Goldman has accepted numerous used Elevator Lifts in the past. Each one broke after a short time causing tremendous heartache. She will accept a new elevator lift if someone offers. In addition, all Government resources have been researched & there is no grant or program available at this time for her necessity. She is on the waiting list of NYC Project Open House for the past 15 years.

Thank You So Much,


Alternatively, you may send a check to:

Mosdot Botoshon: 4312 15th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11219 * (memo area: “Community Poverty/Lift & Kitchen”)

Mosdot Botoshan is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Receipts will be mailed upon request only.

Your Support is appreciated more than you can imagine. Chag Kasher V’sameach!

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