USA Consul visits Russian Jews


USA Consul General in Russia�s Far East John Mark Pommersheim visited the �Freud� Jewish Community of Birobidjan during his acquaintance tour of the Jewish Autonomous Region.The Consul confessed he knew about the existence of this Jewish Community when he worked in America, but he didn�t expect to see such a mature Jewish congregation. Mr. Pommersheim took interest in the constantly operating art exhibition featuring works by Vladislav Tsap, which highlights Torah themes. Initially, he thought he was looking at copies, but having realized these were original paintings, the Consul expressed his excitement about the work.Rabbi Mordechay Sheiner guided the guest through the Judaica Museum, which the rabbi had founded together with his wife Esther and which is a unique phenomenon for Russia……..Later, the Consul General spoke with journalists about his meeting with the Community Chairman Lev Toitman. A conversation with this brave soldier of the World War Two and the founder of the �Freud� Community made a strong impression on the American Consul……

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