Yehoshua Bin Nun Yartzeit


The gravesites of Joshua Bin Nun and Kalev Ben Yefuneh, near Ariel in the Shomron, will be open to visitors next Sunday night, the 3,249th anniversary of his death….. The IDF will secure the area between Ariel and the gravesites, which are located just north of the Ariel Junction in the Shomron. Visitors will be able to walk, drive or travel by bus to the holy site from the Ariel Junction any time between 11PM Sunday night and 5:30 the next morning. An early-morning Shacharit prayer service will be held at the gravesite at 5:45. Yehuda Libman, of the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva formerly in Shechem, told Arutz-7, “We used to have some 5,000 people coming, but of late, because of the security problems, the numbers have dropped. We still expect well over 2,000 this time.”The event will be organized by the Holy Sites Department…………

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