Conservative Jews file lawsuit


The Israeli wing of Conservative Judaism filed a lawsuit against the Israeli government claiming discrimination in praying at the Western Wall. The lawsuit filed Sunday follows an agreement between the movement and the government that assured its members freedom of worship at the Robinson�s Arch area at the southern end of the Western Wall, which is separate from the nearby traditional site of Jewish prayer. During the past year, officials with the movement say, they have been told they have to pay an entrance fee of 30 shekels to the tourist center that runs the site in order to pray. �The present restrictions constitute a serious infringement upon religious freedom,� the Masorti movement said in a statement. The decision to hold public prayer services at Robinson�s Arch followed attacks by some Orthodox Jews on Masorti worshippers trying to pray next to the main Western Wall site. They opposed the sight of mixed groups of men and women praying together and women reading from the Torah………….

See Ynet also.

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