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Boro Park Riots – Part 1

UPDATED 8:34 pm / 8:55 pm / 11:25 pm / 12:33 am / 8:53 am / 10:30 am / 12:05 pm / 2:20 pm

Click HERE to see a video of Chassidim calling the NYPD Nazis.
Click HERE to see a video of Chassidim rioting in Boro Park.
Click HERE to see pictures.

Breaking news from Boro Park:
Just a short while ago an elderly gentleman, Mr. Arthur Schick was arrested in Boro Park, Brooklyn [on 16th Avenue & 48th Street]. Apparently he was talking on a cell phone while getting out of his car and ended up in a confrontation with a Police Officer over using the cell phone while operating his vehicle. The Officer then hit Mr. Schick “after resisting arrrest”. Within minutes there were hundreds of chassidim starting fires and pelting the cops with various items. An additional 3 people were arrested. The crowd seems to be moving towards the 66th Pct Station House.
There are hundreds of people in the street, dozens of news reporters and numerous NYPD & city officials on the scene now. They seem to want to try and get a handle on the situation before it spirals out of control…..Seems like it’s too late….8:35 pm….multiple fires burning. Surrounding a police car now….over a thousand people chanting “we want justice”… 47th Street & 17th Ave cops are screaming for assistance….. Cops are now in riot gear across 16th Avenue pushing the crowd from 47th Street to 49th Street….there are firesthroughout Boro Park….18th Ave Park is blazing now…NYPD cruiser burning on 47th Street & 17th Avenue…Curfew on Boro Park……..Anyone caught on the streets will be arrested…Simcha Felder will be holding a Press Conference at the 66th Pct (59th Street & 16th Avenue)….Exact time will be posted shortly… Simcha Felder & Dov Hikind just held the press conf. They said “Joseph Esposito the chief of the Department (PD) said GET THE FUC*ING JEWS OUT OF HERE…I WANT SOME HEADS ROLLING”….they also condemmed all the fires and violence….said that Joseph Esposito must be removed since there is no confidence left in him anymore…see how the NYPD really hats the Jews. CLICK HERE (NYPD Blog)…..Click HERE to hear 1010/WINS interview Mr. Arthur Schick…..

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