Chofetz Chaim – vs Municipality


Monsey – The developer of a yeshiva with adult student housing on Grandview Avenue has complained that the municipal fees were too high. Rabbi Aryeh Zaks, representing Mosdos Chofetz Chaim, wants the Zoning Board of Appeals to review a more than $20,000 increase in the fees. “I hereby request a review of an arbitrary capricious subjective uninformed illegal outrageous and improper action taken by the currently suspended building inspector or one of his subordinates,” Zaks wrote in a March 6 letter to the zoning board. A building permit application dated Dec. 15, 2005, showed that Mosdos Chofetz Chaim estimated the cost of its construction at $6 million, for which the town levied a fee of $54,046. Such fees, based on a project’s size, pay for inspections during construction…………

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