Sticker Ban


The Rabbinical council of Judea and Samaria released a letter today to the residents of Judea and Samaria stating unequivocally that the residents should not place special stickers distributed by the I.D.F. on their vehicles.During the months preceding the expulsion from Gush Katif, residents of the areas adjacent to Gush Katif in the western Negev were asked to place special stickers on their windshields so that they can be let through the dozens of roadblocks, while vehicles without the stickers (read -Gush Katif residents) were asked to pull over and were checked and some times harassed. In the letter the Rabbis explain that even though the army claims that the stickers are only meant to assist the residents in traveling through passes in the “security wall”, in reality, the intention of the government is to take part in a process that will endanger Jewish lives (by handing over large parts of the land of Israel to our enemies) and it is forbidden to take part in this whatsoever.
The letter was written and signed by Rabbi Dov Lior, chief Rabbi of Hebron- Kiryat Arba, and Rabbi Elyakim Levanon, chief Rabbi of Elon Moreh.

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