Lakewood Stadium?

For all those who have forgotten about the fiasco in Lakewood with the Devils Stadium, the APP has written a final update on it.


The New Jersey Devils announced on Wednesday they have signed a letter of intent to purchase a controlling interest of the Lowell (Mass.) Lock Monsters, a move that ends Lakewood’s hopes of becoming home to the Devils’ minor league team. Lakewood officials had discussions with Devils ownership earlier this year about the possibility of building a new arena down the Jersey Shore, but when those plans went sour, the Devils turned to Lowell. “It is quite disappointing that we couldn’t find a home for the Devils’ (minor league) team within New Jersey,” said state Senator Robert W. Singer, “and certainly disappointing it couldn’t be in Ocean County or Monmouth County.” Singer lamented the fact that Lakewood missed out on a chance to create new jobs and revenue streams. Asked if the city might continue to explore obtaining a minor league hockey team that is not affiliated with the Devils, Singer said it was not likely. Lakewood’s future as a hockey town was tied to the Devils…….

Boruch Shepotrani Meoinsho Shel Zeh!

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