How come the Satmar Matzah Bakery isn’t in their listed assets? And what about the enrite Kiryas Joel?


Four state judges based in Brooklyn are expected to decide soon on a dispute over control of a New York real estate empire worth more than half a billion dollars.
TOTAL ASSETS: Unknown, but likely more than $500 million…………
The Williamsburg Congregation of Satmar owns:
* In Williamsburg: $339 million in 26 buildings and the land they are on.
* One of those 26 buildings is an unfinished 200,000-square-foot synagogue whose building value is $40 million and land value is $15.2 million.

* In Ulster County 329 acres of land worth $26 million.
* 146 acres in Sullivan County worth $7.3 million.
* Other congregations have holdings in Boro Park, Brooklyn, and Kiryas Joel.

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