Halachically Speaking: Food In The Hands Of A Non-Jew (Part 5)

Compiled by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits who can be reached at [email protected]

Reviewed by Rabbi Ben-zion Schiffenbauer Shlita

All Piskei Harav Yisrael Belsky Shlita are Reviewed by Harav Yisrael Belsky Shlita

Volume 6 Issue 6



The Shach32 is of the opinion that if there are no non-kosher breads on the market, then if the non-Jew switches the kosher (with a hechsher) bread with different bread (without a hechsher) it is pas paltar which is permitted. However, modern breads are made with non-kosher ingredients; therefore the heter of the Shach would not apply (see below).33   

Although the concern of switching with pas paltar may not apply if the non-Jews do not place non-kosher ingredients into bread, still we should be concerned that the non-Jew will switch the bread with pas ba’al habayis (bread which was made in a non-Jew’s home) which is not permitted.34 

Based on the above, one should not send kosher bread with a non-Jewish delivery truck and leave it outside, since there is no siman. Some explain that the Jewish owner might come to the store and see if his product is different. Therefore, the non-Jewish driver may be scared to switch the products (see below).35  Based on the lenient opinion, a kashrus agency is permitted to give a hechsher to such a company.36 

Some say that it is proper that a seal be placed on these boxes, thus eliminating even a slight chance of switching the product.37 

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