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Bais HaVaad Yerushalayim Second Seder Program

The dream of many bachurim is to spend at least a year or two after they get married, in the holy city of Yerushalayim, learning in one of the many prestigious Yeshivos and Kollelim, and starting off married life with the solid basis of kedushah and limmud hatorah.

However, the bewildering choice of differing Kollelim and learning opportunities available can be difficult to navigate. In addition, most face the reality that after a relatively short term, they must for various reasons return to Chutz La’aretz, and in later years, many look back at this formative time spent in Eretz Yisroel and wonder if they fully utilized it and got the maximum from these precious years.

Additionally, those who return to Chutz La’aretz often enter into the workforce with only a minimal knowledge of the Halachos of Choshen Mishpat. The Torah provides a detailed structure for monetary and financial activity, and every person going into business should have a thorough grounding in the basics of the Halachos of business and finance.

The Bais Havaad Institute, a U.S. based organization that promotes the study and practice of monetary Halachah, has recognized this situation, and has teamed up with the Linas Hatzedek Kollel network, headed by Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz shlit”a, to develop a program for young American and European avreichim, that will enable them to maximize their study period in Eretz Yisroel, and in a relatively short space of time, develop a broad range of Halachic knowledge that will serve as an ideal foundation for their own future personal development.

The structured curriculum provides a learning program focusing on business Halachah and its modern day applications, with guidance and shiurim from Rav Yosef Greenwald and Rav Yitzchak Boehm. In addition, Rav Shraga Kallus gives daily shiurim on contemporary Halachah, encompassing all areas of daily living.

Guest Shiurim & Va’adim from world-renowned Poskim and Manhigim further enhance the program.

The Yerushalayim Second Seder Program, as its name suggests, takes place every afternoon, in a convenient location situated near the Mir Yeshivah.

The Yerushalayim Second Seder Program offers a unique opportunity for young avreichim to maximize their time in Eretz Yisrael, investing these precious years in building a solid foundation upon which they will continue to build throughout their lives. And for those who move back to the USA, the Program can be continued in the USA at one of various participating locations.

The Yerushalayim Second Seder Program is enthusiastically endorsed by leading Poskim and Gedolim.

For more information please call 052.763.8829, or the Bais HaVaad U.S. office @ 1.888.485.VAAD (8223) or email [email protected] 

The Yerushalayim Second Seder Program – a project of The Bais Havaad and the Linas Hatzedek (Center for Jewish Values) Kollel network.

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