Vertlach: Parshas Naso

This weeks דבר תורה  is לזכות רפואה שלימה ל-אברהם בייניש בן גאלדה שפרינצה.
ולאה בת חנה
And לזכר נשמת ר’ אברהם בן שמחה זצ”ל
ר’ חיים בן ר’ צבי ארי-ה זצ”ל
ור’ יחיאל יהודה בן ר’ אברהם מרדכי הכהן זצ”ל

In the pasukim discussing a nazir, the Torah states (6:13) ‘when the days of his neziras have been completed, ‘ya’ve oso’-which literally means ‘he shall be brought’- to the entrance of the ohel moed’.  Rashi quotes a Sifri which interprets the words ‘ya’ve oso’ not literally, but to mean that he brings himself. The obvious question is, why did the Torah choose to use such an interesting loshon to mean that he brings himself? The Torah could’ve written ‘yavo’; he comes?

The Meshech Chochma offers the following explanation:

By neziras the Torah doesn’t offer a time frame; the Torah never lists a limit as to when a person should end his neziras. (The mishna tells us that stam neziras is for thirty days and its learned out from a gematriya, but the Torah never clearly states when a person should end his neziras.) The Meshech Chochma says the reason is because the whole concept of neziras is a person trying to rededicate himself with a new perspective towards Hashem. A person is trying to distance himself from the pleasures of this world. He wants to live his life being closer to Hashem and the purpose of this is because he doesn’t want his taayvos to dictate his life. He wishes to subdue the yetzer hara’s constant attempt to try to lure him into worldly pleasures. How does one protect himself as to not fall into this trap? By becoming a nazir and developing a natural dislike towards physical enjoyment. Says the Meshech Chochma-that time frame differs for every single person. Some people have a stronger yetzer hara and others have a weaker one; everyone is different. So the Torah did not attempt to put a limit on ones neziras.

But on the other hand, the Torah left this very difficult decision up to the individual.  Continues the Meshech Chochma, how does a person know if he is ready for the next move and if he should end his neziras without being worried that his vision is being altered being he is a nogeah b’davar?

He gives a very powerful answer; that each person knows their own strengths and weaknesses. A person can’t really see his own flaws, but to see the flaws of others we are experts!

A person has to have the ability that when he wants to be mechazek himself he has to make believe he is someone else; pick a different person to be. Then, ask yourself-is he a better person? Am I happy with him the way he is now? Where does he need improvement? Then, a person can see that he himself needs improvement.

That’s pshat in this Meshech Chochma, the Torah chose this loshon to tell us that yes, he is bringing himself; but he is looking at himself as if he is somebody else to see where he is holding with himself.

May we all be zoche to be able to see our own need for improvement and to improve ourselves for the better and show Hashem that we are really improving and getting ready for the day when we can all greet Moshiach speedily in our days! is a site that was created to allow readers the opportunity to gain some insight and Divrei Torah on the weekly Parsha and other Torah topics.  Whether speaking at a family Simcha, a friends Aufruf or at the Shabbos table is sure to have a nice vort which will enhance the atmosphere and will ALWAYS have a meaningful and valuable lesson to learn from it .  If you would like to subscribe to our weekly Dvar Torah Email List simply send an email to: [email protected]

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