Rabbi Krakowski: Parshas Tzav

This week’s Sedra discusses at length various details of the Karbanos. The Parsha starts off by telling Aharon and his sons “this is the Toras Haolah” –“this is the Torah of the fire offering”. Throughout this week’s Sedra the Torah reiterates this idea of Toras Hakorbanos. What is the definition of ‘Toras Hakorbanos’? Is it not sufficient that they are part of the Torah Hakdosha? Why do we need mini Torahs?

Rebbe Yitzchak (Nedarim) explains that the Torah is implying that when we are not able physically (or Halachically) to offer the Korbanos, but nevertheless learn and read their laws, it is as if we indeed offered them. He explains that the Torah is emphasizing the importance of the “Toras Hakorbanos” because these laws are themselves of significance.

The question remains: Why does the Torah need to transmit this idea of “Amiras Hakorbanos”, or even of learning the Korbanos, via calling attention to their laws – by using the word “Toras”?

When one offers a Korban one is essentially offering a present (‘so to speak’) to Hashem. The individual in question is, through the Korban, in effect showing his affection for Hashem. It would be totally unreasonable to suggest that merely mumbling the Parshios of the Korbanos would act in any way as a replacement for the act of offering Korbanos.

The word ‘Torah’ doesn’t only imply a law as the words Chok and Mishpat do, but rather suggests a detailed ‘set of laws’. It refers to a complex set of laws that require attention and study.

A present is always more representative of the thought behind it than of its actual substance. When someone offers someone else something of value in the form of a bribe, it is worth only its precise value to the taker. When, on the other hand, one is expressing a genuine desire to give, then even the most modest of gifts can carry an immeasurable amount of affection and appreciation.

While in our day in age we cannot offer an actual Korban we can relay our love, appreciation, and affection to Hashem by showing that we yearn to offer Him a Korban precisely the way Hashem wants it. It is for this end purpose that we study every detail of every Korban that Hashem wants. Rebbe Yitzchak is essentially telling us that Hashem wants us to show Him that we care to give Him what He wants, how He wants it. This is why the Torah relays the message through the concept of “Toras Hakorbanos”.

A very warm Good Shabbos, Rabbi Y. Dov Krakowski

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