Eliezer Hersh Rosenfeld: Oorah (Listen To Preview)

EHR.jpgClick HERE to listen to a preview.

You are probably tired of listening to non-quality music tapes. But listen to this! There is a new star emerging from the wood works, and his name is Eliezer Hersh Rosenfeld. Take a few minutes to immerse yourself in the most enjoyable music your ears has heard in a very long time. Of course, this clip is just a few minutes long, and you will want to hear the entire tape/CD! So, go out and buy it as a treat for yourself, and for every music lover you know in your family and friends as a Chanukah present. As you are surly aware though, to produce a tape cost lots and lots of money, so please don’t copy it for or from anyone, just buy it, it is worth every penny, and even much more!

2 Responses

  1. This album is going to blow your mind. It is so very professional and beautiful. E. Rosenfeld is the new star, he is raising the bar in tallent and in what not. If you are tired of hearing all this electric music this is “THE ALBUM” you want the get for yourself your kids and friends.

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