The Open Secret

There is nothing quite like Davening at Kivrei Tzaddikim in Eretz Yisroel or in standing at the Kosel in Yerushalayim.

In the past years when the borders of Eretz Yisroel were closed, my desire to go back certainly increased. But it is not just to be inspired by the Mekomos Kedoshim. It is to be inspired by seeing what Rabbeim and teachers do to bring back the children of Klal Yisroel and how the children respond.

It is for this reason that my wife, Judy, and I try to visit a Shuvu school when in Eretz Yisroel.

One particularly memorable visit was when we went to a Shuvu high school in Be’er Yaakov. Several girls spoke about their struggle in overcoming challenges with Shemiras Shabbos and Tznius.

These were young girls living in secular homes. Precious children with a sincere desire to become closer to Hashem. It was difficult for them to keep these Mitzvos, something made even harder by peer pressure from their secular friends and neighbors, not to mention their situation at home.

Yet the girls were so proud to be Bnos Yisroel and were encouraging each other to be strong.

When I left the school, I told my wife I felt like the education and Chizuk these girls were getting from their teachers is comparable to a Bais Yaakov in Brooklyn. The love and learning from their teachers was helping these girls grow in Torah and overcome their challenges.

It wasn’t only what was done in the classroom. The teachers welcome students to their homes for Shabbos, take them shopping, and really envelop the students in a culture of Yiddishkeit, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Their goal is not just to teach. It is to inspire the girls to build homes of Torah and Mitzvos.

These teachers are truly preparing Eretz Yisroel for Moshiach’s coming.”


Yitzchok Sussman

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