An Emotional Plea From Your Local Hatzolah Member

When I signed up to be a Hatzolah member, I knew it would be a lot of things.

I knew it would be draining and demanding, at times unfathomably so.

I knew it would mean time away from family, from my job, from important events and celebrations.

I knew it would spell sleepless nights, followed by dizzying days.

I knew it would take all my reservoirs of strength to witness trauma, pain, and even death – and still go on.

But I never thought it would come to this.

This crisis has brought my role as a Hatzolah member to a whole new level.

I didn’t think it would mean seeing the fear in my daughter’s face as I don my PPE suit, mask, and goggles before leaving to the hospital – and reassuring her that it’s still Abba.

I didn’t think it would mean leaving my family in the middle of the Seder – again – and then not returning until the next Seder, when the patient’s oxygen level finally stabilized.

I didn’t think it would mean saying, “Don’t worry, you’ll be okay,” to the gasping father on the stretcher as I slam the ambulance doors – and praying in my heart that my words come true.

I didn’t think it would mean whispering Vidui and Shema Yisroel with a passing patient – because I’m as close as the family can get at those heartbreaking moments.

I didn’t think it would mean acting as a confidant, a liaison, a brother and a father all in one – to family after desperate family.

Hatzolah is there for the suffering, the elderly, the desperately ill and the suddenly grieving.

We take our role seriously – and that gives us strength to keep going when times are impossibly difficult, impossibly demanding, and impossibly .

We’re in this together – and we can’t do it alone.

Please show your support for all that we do. Please help us help you. Remember, when you call us, we never say no….

Go to now and donate generously. We need it now more than ever.



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