For Pesach: The Secret Trick to Boiling Gorgeous Eggs for an Elegant Seder Plate

Even though the hard boiled or roasted egg that is placed on the Passover seder plate is symbolic of mourning and destruction of the Beit Hamikdash in Jerusalem, Jewish Hostesses worldwide can still beautify their seder plates by using this unique idea from Apartment Therapy’s thekitchn. Hop on over to thekitchn to create your own unique Passover seder patterns that may even impress Eliyahu Hanavi!

Looking for a chic twist for your Shabbat meal? You’ve come to the right place!

Here at The Jewish Hostess, you can find kosher gourmet recipes, cool ideas fordecorating your table, and  ways to get your kids excited to come home to a great meal after school.  I’m always on the lookout for easy, healthy and quick recipes that I can whip up during the week. Here’s modern place that all Jewish women can visit for ideas for chic Shabbat and holiday table settings, weeknight healthy recipes, cool entertaining tips, and easy, healthy snacks for kids. The Jewish Hostess is all about connecting, sharing, and inspiring traditionwith a modern twist. Please share your best easy gourmet recipes, chic tabletop tips, and Jewish holiday ideas. Lets ensure that our families enjoy Jewish living and keep coming back for more!

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