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For Pesach: Greek Haroset

Something new – and multicultural! – this year.

2    cups pitted dates, chopped
½   cup raisins, chopped
½   cup sweet wine
4    ounces walnuts, ground (¼ cup)
½   teaspoon ground ginger

Place the dates and raisins in a bowl and blend with the wine.  Add the walnuts and ginger and blend well.  Shape into a pyramid.  Cover with plastic wrap and chill.

By Emuna Braverman and Elizabeth Kurtz, of is a new and exciting site where you will find over 900 great kosher recipes – with particular emphasis on ideas for Shabbos and holidays, the best new kosher products, gorgeous table top decor, articles on kosher wine and healthy eating, featured giveaways, travel, cooking with kids and much more. Content is updated weekly so visit us often. Your family will be glad you did!

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