We Need More Older Bachurim in Learning

For many older Bachurim, the path of learning becomes more challenging as the years pass. Too old for standard Yeshivas, yet not aligned with Kollel, they often feel caught between two worlds.

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📖 Yeshivas Chaim Shel Torah, under the leadership of Reb Dovid Soloveitchik, has changed that reality! With over 50 Israeli bachurim ages 24+ shteiging in Reb Dovid’s Beis Midrash, a new era has begun for unmarried bachurim in Yerushalayim.

No longer outsiders in younger Yeshivas or Kollelim full of married Yungeleit, these bachurim now have their own place to grow, learn, and thrive—supported by friends who understand their journey.

Do you know someone still awaiting their Zivug?

This Pesach, Split the Sea for a Single You Know

Give a single you care about a powerful Zechus by sponsoring an older Bachur in learning. Your support will uplift them both on their journey.

Show your support here

✨ Double the zechus! According to Harav Ahron Kotler zt”l, Hallel of Leil HaSeder is an auspicious time for shidduchim. Submit a name (at no extra costs) for a single you care about and have our bachurim daven for them this Leil Haseder.

🔗 Show your support and submit a name here*

*names can be submitted until April 10th | י’’ב ניסן

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