Final Hours to Give! Double Your Matanos L’evyonim for Kupas Zichron Moshe—Today Only!

Kupas Zichron Moshe will have Gabaim on standby until Friday, 11:30 AM EST distributing Matanos Levyonim to the poor and needy in Zichron Moshe/Geula. 

Make sure not to miss the deadline. 

All donations after 11:30 will be given with the din of Zchiya as per psak of many poskim.

Started twelve years ago, Kupas Zichron Moshe has become a respected
organization that has grown past natural bounds. Run under the asupices of
Rav Gamliel Rabinovich, Rav Moshe Elyashiv and Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik,
Kupas Zichron Moshe has continued to provide for the Yom tov needs for over
700 choshuve families in Zichron Moshe/Geula Yerushalayim who cannot live on
their own means

These are not families that are looking to buy luxuries. These are families
that would literally not have fish and chicken on Shabbos and Yom Tov without y(our)

This year we are having a much harder time than usual . 700 families are relying on us and we cannot do it without your help!

Matanos Levyonim will be distributed on Purim day in America. 

Click here to donate

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