3 Days Left!! Is Your Seudah Ready? Hundreds of Almanos Are Waiting!!


Misaskim & Yedid, Allow 791 Almanas to Host Their Own Purim Seudah!!

Sponsor their Seudah for ONLY $180!!!

When Purim rolls around, the pain strikes deep for families who lost a parent. They wonder: Why celebrate when Totty is missing? And why do we need to be guests at someone else’s seudah again?  

That’s why Yedid (a division of Misaskim) sends gourmet, catered Purim seudos to over 791 almanos and 3,852 yesomim. While the world celebrates, they might not have the means, mood, or motivation to prepare a proper Purim seudah. But with a beautiful meal delivered to their doorstep, they can host their family and friends and not have to be anyone’s guests. A day that would otherwise magnify their void can be spent at home, in the company of those who matter most.   

Many times, they could technically make the seudah on their own. Still, on a day when their loss is so glaring, the feeling of being remembered and cared for makes all the difference . 


And in Yedid’s signature style, everything is personal. Weeks in advance, each family receives an elegant invitation and menu card with an array of choices and can order a custom meal catered to their individual needs.  

Special shechita? ✔ Check. 
Sephardic menu? ✔ Check. 
Allergy/dietary-specific menu? ✔ Check.  

Because Yedid would do anything to bring them joy. 


As one almanah said, “The plentiful, delicious food took a great deal of pressure off me and filled my heart with joy and my eyes with tears. Purim is extremely difficult for my family… Your generous gift made it easier for us all.” 

What would a close family friend do for you when you’re going through a tough time? That’s the question the staff at Yedid constantly ask themselves. Yedid is a family friend to over 500 families who lost a parent. Twenty four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year, the Yedid family carries the almanos and yesomim in their hearts. Their goal? To ensure no family gets left behind.  

Sponsor their Seudah for ONLY $180!!!


Sponsoring a Purim seudah for almanos and yesomim is the ultimate form of matanos l’evyonim. 

“Im atah misameach es sheli Ani misamaech es shelcha” 

In the zechus of gladdening the hearts of Hashem’s children, Hashem will gladden the hearts of yours.  

You can make that priceless promise yours. 


Sponsor their Seudah for ONLY $180!!!

Sponsor their Seudah for ONLY $180!
Misaskim & Yedid, allow *791 Almanas* to host their own *Purim Seudah
Misaskim & Yedid gives over  79 families – 3,852 almanos and yesomim a taste of simchas Purim, with a full delectable seuda delivered to their doors, allowing them to be the host.
Sponsor their Seudah for ONLY $180!

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