A young girl is suffering. A father is breaking. A family is struggling to survive.
Chana has battled a severe illness multiple times, and now, the nightmare has returned for the fourth time. Her only chance is life-saving treatment in Philadelphia, forcing her parents to leave everything behind to be with her.
The financial strain is unbearable. Her father, a dedicated Torah scholar, now faces enormous medical bills, travel and living costs abroad, the responsibility of supporting his young children back home, and no income while caring for his sick daughter. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!
He is overwhelmed. His family is struggling. They cannot do this alone.
Let’s come together to help them in their darkest hour. Your donation can ease their burden and give them hope.
This campaign is under the oversight of Vaad Harabanim Le’inyanei Tzedaka – every dollar goes directly to help this suffering family.
Give today – help save a life and a family.