The surprising directive of Maran HGR’ Moshe Sternbuch: Everyone should contribute 1000 shekels for a mitzvah so great that he hasn’t heard for some time of a mitzvah as great as this one* In return for such an exceptional sum Maran gives an exceptional promise and an explicit, detailed brocha* “Whoever is wise won’t miss this opportunity”
We’ve never heard such an exceptional request from the mouth of Maran Mara D’Ara D’Yisrael Posek HaDor Rabbeinu HGR’ Moshe Sternbuch shlit”a, nor from the mouth of any other famous Rabbanim in generations.
Regarding an extremely urgent tzedakah case of hatzolas nefashos, Maran asks from each person to contribute 1000 shekels, no less!!
His words were recorded and videotaped, and Maran explained that he realizes this request is hard to understand. “Indeed this sounds exaggerated,” he said, but then he promises that whoever is fully acquainted with the case knows well that the request is not exaggerated and the reality of the case compels such a request.
This is what Maran Mara D’Ara D’Yisrael Posek HaDor said in its entirety- note the precise and decisive language and the confidence with which he promises such incredible brochos to donors, with clear knowledge that these brochos will be completely fulfilled in the future!
“For a long time I haven’t heard of such a great mitzvah as this one- to save a Jew! I request from each and every person to stand by his side, to help him- and then HaKadosh Baruch Hu will help you,” said Maran.
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“Everyone who gives should give 1000 shekels,” adds Maran and immediately explains, “It does indeed sound exaggerated, but whoever is fully aware of the severity of the case knows that this is not exaggerated.”
“And certainly the reward for this needs to be extremely great,” decided Maran with the power of the Torah hakedoshah.
“Therefore, whoever helps him will merit long life and nachas, shalom and peace of mind, and also in parnassah- HaKadosh Baruch Hu will help him that he will not need to feel embarrassed and have to ask others for money!!!”
“The request is very, very unusual,” say Maran’s household members. “He’s never requested such sums. We don’t believe what our ears are hearing, but Maran said this clearly; this is his instruction, and he also added a very special brocha to whoever participates in this and promises a ‘very great reward’ along with the explicit promise of long life, nachas, shalom, and peace of mind, and also a special brocha for parnassah, that he should never need to feel embarrassed and have to ask others for money.”
There’s not much to be said after such a strong statement. Whoever is wise won’t miss this opportunity to obtain such a mitzvah with such a tremendous reward and such a special brocha that goes along with it.