Devastating: The Dedicated Avreich from the Ponovezh Kollel Passed Away Suddenly at Age 28

The dedicated avreich Rabbi Chaim Noach Lisitzin zt”l went to sleep as a healthy person but did not get up in the morning* Utter shock and deep mourning in Bnei Brak following the devastating tragedy* Avreichim in the Ponovezh Kollel, friends of the deceased, immediately started a fund to help the bereaved family, and call upon the public for assistance

Inconceivable. A young avreich, who learned constantly with tremendous devotion, whose persona motivated the whole Ponovezh Kollel, married and father of four little children, the oldest of whom is only five- went to sleep like on any other regular night, and did not wake up in the morning.

His wife went to see why her husband wasn’t up yet, and was horrified to discover him lying lifeless on the bed.

Terribly traumatized, his wife called the Hatzolah first responders, who came right away and immediately started resuscitation attempts, but apparently Rav Lesitzin’s pure soul had already separated from his body during the course of the night.

The deceased leaves behind four little orphans, the oldest of whom is only five. The traumatic news was a shocking blow to the family and the community.

Rav Lesitzin’s completely unexpected passing sent shockwaves throughout Bnei Brak. He was known for his dedication to learning and his modesty, and in the Ponovezh Kollel he was greatly admired and respected for his devotion to Torah.

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The deceased, who was born on the 8th of Av 1997, was the son of HaGaon Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Lisitzin, Rosh Kollel Morasha V’Da’as and one of the Rabbanim of Yeshivas Beis Medrash Elyon, and of Mrs. Tzirel, the daughter of Rabbi Chaim Noach Cohen z”l of Bnei Brak. He was the scion of a beautiful Torah family, the grandson of HaGaon Rabbi Tzvi Ya’akov Lisitzin zt”l, Rosh Kollel ‘Heichal HaTalmud.’

As a child he started learning at the Tashba”r Talmud Torah in Bnei Brak, continued on to the Yeshivas Ponovezh L’Tzierim, and after that to Yeshivas Ponovezh HaGedolah. After he married the daughter of HaGaon Rabbi Elyakim Getzel Goldwasser shlit”a, the son of the Mashgiach HGH”T Rabbi Yitzchak Pinchas Goldwasser, he learned with great devotion in the Ponovezh Kollel.

His levayah set out from the Ponovezh Kollel on Rechov Ra’avad in Bnei Brak, and many people joined the throng before he was interred in the beis hachaim in Elad.

On the heels of the terrible tragedy, his friends in the Ponovezh Kollel- after consulting with the Rabbanim shlit”a- initiated a fund to assist his widow and young orphans, to support them and bez”H  set a base for their future.

The public is requested to come to the aid of the bereaved young family and make efforts to supply them with their most basic needs.


“It’s impossible to understand such occurrences,” said one of his friends who learned with him in kollel. “But one thing is clear- when such a tragedy occurs, no one can remain indifferent. Each one of us needs to put his hand in his pocket and take out as much as he can to help and assist. It’s a holy obligation that’s incumbent on all of us, and all of us hope that in the merit of the mitzvah of tzedakah, tragedies like this one will be prevented in Am Yisrael bez”H.”
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