Bonei Olam Dreidel Is Live! Over 30,000 Prizes Up Are Up for GRABS!


Your losing streak dates back to third grade.

And that bad luck seems to have stuck. 

Not for lack of trying, you’ve entered every auction out there. 

Sheitels, gift cards, laptops, vacations — each time, you buy your tickets, whisper a perek of tehillim or two, and…. nada.

What if we told you that this time, your win is in your hands?

With Dreidel for Chance, there’s no strangers in dark basements picking out tickets.

You simply spin our virtual dreidel,  watch it twirl, and win incredible prizes in real time.

And the biggest win of all?

Every dollar you spend spinning goes directly to help fund Bonei Olam’s Oncofertility program, continuing our mission of preserving every young cancer patient’s dreams of building a family.

Tizku L’mitzvos… And have fun!

♥️Bonei Olam 

🎁23,434 Prizes 

😮8 super Prizes of the Day

💵💴💵Mega Raffle that reached over 

$120,000 last year

The earlier you play, the more prizes you have in the pool, 

and the more chances of winning!


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