Real Hope for Stutterers! See Why-

After 26 years of living with a debilitating stutter and 15 years of speech therapy, R’ Yanky Kaufman came up with a revolutionary way to help stutterers from around the world overcome their stuttering.

After trying to help a fellow stutterer, HaShem put a new and most effective way in R’ Yanky Kaufman’s mind that helped himself speak with full fluency. Since this breakthrough in this unfortunately stale field of stuttering treatments, R’ Kaufman has been giving over his new user-friendly skills to others and has been involved in helping stutterers for almost 10 years. His deep passion to help people who stutter and his success with clients bsD’ keeps him going for the last 10 years without brakes! He has already helped over 1000 frum people from all over the world.

Bottom line: He is the most professionally backed program. He offers the most user-friendly, methodical and effective way to help stutterers overcome their stuttering. 

There are many other perks to his program including an unprecedented follow-up system where former stutterers are paired up with newer clients who are most similar to them. These coaches are true role models and have the patience and care it takes to help another on their path to real success!

In order to accommodate people to have the best treatment conveniently located, Rabbi Kaufman has hand selected the best licensed therapists who share his passion to help others achieve fluency. It should be noted that even though the therapist trained in his program have taken many courses by renowned professors, they only felt truly confident to treat stuttering after being trained by R’ Kaufman. 

All this brings new hope for people who are looking for help to overcome their stuttering. 

Recently, R’ Kaufman has been helping people in record breaking time with quick results after tweaking his system. 

Real change is in reach!

See attachments below.

Call for a free consultation and to hear more about our revolutionary program: 833-2-FLUENCY/ 8332358362 or 7325132330 or email:

See amazing video:

See popular Podcast from Living L’Chaim:

See 2 articles in Mishpacha Magazine:


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