The Surgery is Tomorrow! Three-Year-Old Noa Needs Help Urgently!

Noa Mizrachi, only three-and-a-half years old, needs a complicated operation* Born with microtia, she suffers from a serious hearing deficit*A new surgical technique is able to offer her excellent quality of life with long-term hearing restoration, but it’s expensive and not covered by Israeli insurance

Urgent public appeal! A three-and-a-half-year-old child, Noa Mizrachi, is scheduled to undergo a complicated surgery tomorrow- Thursday- which involves an implant to give her long-term hearing ability.

Tomorrow- Thursday, the 11th of Kislev, is a momentous day for little Noa Mizrachi. Her parents are very excited, and so is she; despite her young age she understands that her life will change after the operation- it should be successful, bez”H. She’s already in Los Angeles, eagerly awaiting the big day.

But surgery is expensive. Since it’s so necessary for Noa, there’s no question but that it’s worth every penny. Yet her parents don’t have the financial means to pay for it by themselves; it’s approximately $80,000, and whatever funds they’ve managed to put together by now fall far short of that sum.

So the family is compelled to ask for help. The surgery isn’t a given- whether or not Noa will have it depends on the success of their fundraising and how the Los Angeles hospital views the situation.

To give Noa emergency aid, click here>>>

Noa’s parents are aware that there’s a surgery that could help Noa in Israel. It can be performed only from age ten and above, and the child would need to wear a hearing aid her entire life.

In the U.S. there’s a surgery which is much more advanced. A world-renowned expert surgeon in Los Angeles, who knows how to perform this surgery on three- and four-year-olds, also has a technique that would obviate any need for a hearing aid.

Her parents are not people of means by any stretch. Noa’s father is an avreich and her mother works in a children’s daycare. Her mother had to take off from work- without pay- to take care of Noa’s surgery plans with all the numerous errands and preparations, both medical and logistic.

Noa’s mother pleads with the public for assistance. She tearfully explains that she cannot fund it alone, yet nor can she leave her daughter struggling with this difficulty…

Let’s gift Noa with the ability to hear. The difference this will make in her life on all fronts- studies, peer group, self-image, ability to navigate the world at large- is simply incalculable.


To give Noa emergency aid, click here>>>

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