Will the Operation Have to be Postponed Yet Again? Azriel’s Been Waiting For 11 Years Already!

The operation was postponed another month, and Azriel is so disappointed* He was born with half a face, and has always had to struggle with the accompanying difficult ramifications* This long-awaited surgery will give him a cheek and a jaw- and for the first time he’ll look like everyone else* The challenge: it’s expensive…let’s help him out!


How can an 11-year-old boy’s fragile heart contain such a great disappointment? He was certain that soon he’d look like everyone else, anticipating with such excitement- but no. It’s been delayed again. He still has to walk around with half a face and feels so terrible- and so terribly disappointed. But, he hopes, maybe the surgery will be performed in only another month- and then finally his life will change!

Words can’t describe Azriel’s feelings. He can’t fall asleep at night from eager anticipation- and his parents are equally excited.

He feels so negative about his appearance…a child with half a face…many people who see him turn their heads in a different direction to avoid looking at him, and this is so very painful to him, despite the fact that he understands he looks unusual and doesn’t hold it against anyone.

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But despite his big heart and his mature understanding that this is his Divinely-ordained challenge and no one is at fault, he so very badly wants to look like everyone else. He was told that later on he’d have an operation, because at the time he was too small. He had to keep waiting and waiting; his childhood is passing… he sometimes felt –and feels- rejected and unwanted by his peer group… he can’t go to unfamiliar places due to the unavoidable reactions of people around him…

And the long-awaited moment arrived!- The only expert in the world  who knows how to perform this complicated procedure examined Azriel’s case and decided that Azriel is now big enough to have the operation. Ever since he heard that, Azriel is so excited that it’s practically all he talks about all day and thinks about all night. The price isn’t completely unattainable either- about $100,000, which is minor compared to the phenomenal contribution it will make to Azriel’s life. His parents are set on doing everything they can to raise the money for this operation.

The Rav of Modi’in Illit, HGR’ M. Kessler shlit”a, as well as relatives and family friends, advised them to reach out to others for help.

The date was set, the operation was scheduled- but then problems cropped up. There wasn’t enough money; the anesthesiologist couldn’t make it at the scheduled hour. They were notified a new date had been set- it’s another couple of weeks from now, December 17th.

The surgery can only be performed if payment in full is received ahead of time, and if the payment isn’t given by next week, the medical institution will not save the date and they’ll have to schedule a new appointment at a later date.

We can’t disappoint Azriel again. We can’t let that happen. Let’s unite and help him receive his long-anticipated implant- we have to help him!


To give Azriel the biggest gift in the world and make him happy, click here>>>

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