Thousands Watch Critical Chinuch Interview With Leading Menahel

Last Motzei Shabbos an Interview was released featuring Rabbi Chananya Kramer, Menahel of the Yeshiva of Cherry Hill, engaging in an important conversation on the topic of chinuch of mesivta bochurim with Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger. 

Enjoyable to watch as it was informative, the conversation flows from one critical topic to the next. At times intense, and at times light, Rabbi Kramer lays out a vision and practical approach to the most burning issues that every mechanech and parent needs to address. In all, there were seven topics covered, and they are broken out over seven parts for the convenience of the viewer if they wish to watch it in shorter parts, as well as a full length video option.

Rabbi Kramer is the menahel of the Yeshiva of Cherry Hill, a rapidly growing Mesivta and Beis Medrash in Cherry Hill, NJ. If the interview resonates with you as it did for so many others, you can learn more about it and see it in action this Sunday as the yeshiva is hosting its annual open house for parents and students in 8th grade. Click here to watch the video or for more information. 

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