Artscroll’s Black Friday Deals Are Here – And They’re Bigger Than Ever!

The wait is over! For one week only, ArtScroll will be running a sale with their lowest BLACK FRIDAY prices EVER! Take advantage of massive discounts on some of ArtScroll’s most sought-after items, including Schottenstein Talmud Bavli setspre-loaded iPads, and brand-new BOOKBOXES for women and children!
1. Schottenstein Talmud Bavli: Save over $1,000 on all Hebrew and English Schottenstein Talmud Bavli sets!
  • Full-Size, now only $1,975 (lists for $2,999).
  • Daf Yomi-size, now only $1,698 (English lists for $2,799, Hebrew $2699). 
2. ArtScroll’s Pre-Loaded iPads: Apple iPads pre-loaded with the entire ArtScroll Digital Library are the ultimate gifts and include English & Hebrew Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi, Mishnah, Siddur, Chumash, Tanach, and so much more. Learning on the go has never been easier! These iPads work seamlessly without requiring an internet connection for daily use, and include a stunning leather cover, valued at $99, as a bonus!
  • 10.9” iPad, now only $748 (lists for $1,500).
  • 12.9” iPad, now only $1,698 (lists for $2,500).
3. Two New ArtScroll BOOKBOXES:
ArtScroll is introducing two exciting collections of handpicked books – perfect for Chanukah gifts, each containing $157 worth of books, for just $89!
  • The Ultimate Children’s BOOKBOX: Includes Taryag Kids comic, Avraham Avinu, Eli and his Little White Lie, Hillel and Shalva Make Shalom, Bina and Benny Chanukah, House Full of Torah, Kosher by Design Kids in the Kitchen, and Alef to Tav.
  • The Women’s Collection BOOKBOX: Features Mitzvah of ChallahCandle Lighting TreasuryIllustrated TehillimTefilasi, and the Best of Kosher cookbook.
What’s more, there is FREE SHIPPING within the USA on all these deals!
Don’t miss out – this sale ends Tuesday, December 3rd!
Shop now at, call 1-800-MESORAH or visit your local Hebrew bookstore to order the perfect gifts for everyone on your Chanukah list.

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