Together for Lali

Hi, I’m Lali (Leah), and I’m only three years and eight months old. My parents waited five years for me to be born—they always tell everyone that from the moment I came into the world, they felt their lives were finally complete.

A few weeks ago, I started to vomit terribly. My parents took me to the doctor, and they discovered I have a virus in my blood, and it has already spread. My parents don’t say the word “cancer,” they say “virus,” but I heard the doctors talking, and I can see in Mommy and Tatty’s eyes how scared they are. They’re trying to stay strong for me, but I hear them crying at night. I thought only kids cried…

The treatments I need to fight this virus, as Tatty says, are very expensive, they cost much more than all of my toys, and we just can’t do it alone. Tatty and Mommy told me that someone like you, who is reading my words now, might be able to help me. Maybe you can give me a chance.

I want to grow up, to play, to be happy—to continue being the light in my parents’ lives. Every support, every donation, is a ray of hope for us, like the sun I like to draw.

Thank you for being here for me,


Save lali

Please donate generously to save this little girls life 

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