TOP 10: Mama Rachel Songs (Songs About Rachel Imeinu) – Do You Agree?

Listen to our Top 10 Mama Rachel Songs

In honor of the FREE Tefillah taking place at Kever Rachel by Yad L’Achim on her Yahrtzeit, we present to you the top 10 songs in her honor.

On Tuesday – י”א חשון – November 12, Yad L’Achim is arranging a FREE Tefillah at Kever Rachel on her Yahrzteit led by Talmidei Chachamim and Rav Yaakov Ades.


Here are our top ten songs about Rachel Imeinu – Do you agree? Comments? Send us a WhasApp by CLICKING HERE
or send us an email here: [email protected] 

  1. Kol B’Rama – D’veykus
    The classic – the original and most well known

  2. Mama Rochel – Abie Rotenberg
    The new classic

  3. Kol B’rama – Yossi Green 
    Sung by the London School of Jewish Song – composed by a young Yossi Green



  4. מאמע רחל וויין – Moshe Weintraub
    You know this tune – it’s sung Friday nights in Shuls across the world


  5. Mameh – Avraham Fried
    A favorite of Yad L’Achim’s graphic artist Schneur

  6. Mameh Rochel – Pinky Weber
    Beautiful live rendition

  7. Mama Rochel – Mordechai Ben David
    Did you know MBD had a Rachel Imeinu song?



  8. Vshavu Banim – Benny Friedman & Baruch Levine
    Stunning song by Mosdos Kever Rachel


  9. Rachel – Shloime Gertner
    Shloimie’s favorite song

  10. Kol Berama – Simcha Leiner

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