She Immigrated From Yemen and Was Left Alone: Post-Tragedy Trauma in Rechovot

Shoshana established her home together with her husband, the tzaddik Rabbi Sharon Skeitel, who was adored by all who knew him* He was niftar suddenly, leaving behind a broken and devastated widow who now has to care- by herself- for eight young orphans, the youngest of whom is only a year and two months

An unfathomable tragedy accompanied by feelings of utter helplessness…this is what Shoshana has been going through these last few days. As someone who was born in Yemen and made the perilous journey to Eretz Yisrael, where she fought to maintain her identity in a culture diametrically opposed to the one in which she was raised, Shoshana is no stranger to challenges.

She came into difficult conditions, challenges awaiting her around every bend, but she forged ahead and insisted on receiving a Torah-true education without compromise.

When she came of age she established her home with a yiras Shamayim ba’al teshuvah named Rabbi Sharon Skeitel- a tzaddik of an avreich who dedicated all his energies to learning Torah.

They were blessed with eight children who received a loving Torah chinuch, but due to their pressing financial circumstances they were compelled to move to a government-subsidized apartment with a very low rent- but in the heart of a secular neighborhood.

For urgent aid to a broken widow and 8 orphans click here>>>

Sharon and Shoshana didn’t panic- they continued to educate their children in derech Yisroel Saba even in the midst of such surroundings.

But during the Aseres Yemai Teshuva, when Sharon went to visit his mother to wish her a g’mar chatima tova, he started to feel unwell and went to lie down for a while in her home before returning home. He fell asleep- and never woke up.

Shoshana is left a widow with eight orphans, the oldest is a boy of 18 and the youngest is only a year and two months. All of them are devastated and miss their father terribly, and they miss the smile that until the tragedy was always on their mother’s face…

We have to help them! It’s a mitzvah of the first order. They can’t continue to live in their current surroundings- let’s help them obtain a more religiously compatible place to live and also ensure that bread won’t be missing from their table.


For urgent aid to a broken widow and 8 orphans click here>>>

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