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What’s Your Water Mood Today?

Today we’re chatting with Ayala who was excited to share her experience with a new product transforming how people enjoy water — the Noam water dispenser. Let’s dive right in! Ayala, you talk about having “water moods.” I’m intrigued. Can you tell us a little more about what that means?

Ayala: Sure! It’s funny, but I’ve realized that my water preferences change throughout the day. In the fall, I’m all about sipping on hot water, especially in the morning, but by late afternoon, I need something cold to wake me up. It’s like a mini-ritual to keep me going! And, of course, nothing stops me from having my pre-bedtime cup of decaf. I think it’s something lots of people might relate to.

YW: That’s a unique way of thinking about hydration! So, what made you start thinking about water this way, and how does Noam fit into that picture?

Ayala: I think I started paying more attention to these “water moods” because of Noam. I saw their ads for this super cool countertop water dispenser. Their ads were cool and really got me curious about it. I learned that it was a new product newly launched in the U.S. I love that it connects to your water source and offers filtered water at any temperature — hot, cold, or room temperature — whenever I want.
It means no more waiting for the kettle to boil or grabbing ice cubes. It really adjusts to whatever mood I’m in!

YW: That sounds like quite a game-changer! Can you give us a rundown of Noam’s key features?

Ayala: Absolutely! Noam provides water at three different temperatures — boiling hot, ice cold, and perfectly room temperature. It’s a sleek, smart system with advanced tech and a double filtration system, so the water always tastes clean and fresh. Plus, it has a childproof lock for the hot water feature, which gives me peace of mind, especially when my kids are around. And one of the best things is how it helps with Shabbos. No more filling up the urn, making sure to plug it in or forgetting to switch it to Shabbos. Noam automatically switches to Shabbos mode, so you’re always set for hot and cold water without thinking about it at all!

YW: You mentioned Shabbos mode. How does that work? 

Ayala: It’s the best! Noam’s Shabbos and yom tov mode kicks in automatically an hour before Shabbos and switches back to normal after Shabbos ends. You don’t need to touch a thing. It has a hechsher from the OU and CRC, and tons of rabbonim in Israel also gave their approval, so it’s halachically kosher all the way!

YW: It sounds ideal! But let’s talk about the real stuff. Are there any issues with installation or performance?

A. Levy: Installation is quick and simple. Two super friendly technicians from Noam’s came, drilled one tiny hole to connect the dispenser to the water line, and in less than 30 minutes, it was ready to go. 

YW: Okay, I hear you. But this isn’t the kind of purchase you make on impulse. What was it that convinced you?

Ayala: The thought of how it’s going to make my life so much easier! I can stop buying cases of water bottles. Never run out of water bottles or get annoyed at how storing them takes over so many spaces in my house! 

Now, I can tell you how much I’m enjoying it. It’s so easy to use. The touchscreen interface makes customizing settings like water temperature and energy-saving modes super simple. And the automatic Shabbos mode is so amazing! Oh, and I absolutely love how it looks. The design is sleek and modern. 

YW: Okay, your enthusiasm is catchy. Are you sure you’re not working for them? So, let’s say I’m convinced and want to order one. Can you walk me through what the process looked like for you?

Ayala: It was easy peasy. I just ordered mine online. I know my sister-in-law told me she wasn’t able to do that though. I understand they’re taking a slow but sure approach. Their customer service rep explained that they’re expanding slowly across the U.S. to ensure every customer has the best experience. They trained a small team to handle installation and support, so everything’s flawless. After hearing me rave about it so much, she can’t wait to get hers but we both appreciate their commitment to doing things right.

YW: Wow! It’s refreshing to hear that they’re focused on customer service. Have you seen any other reviews or feedback?

Ayala: Of course. The reviews have been glowing! People love it — not just the convenience and the filtered water but how it makes a difference in daily life, especially for Shabbos. I did my research and my friends in Israel were laughing at all my questions. They can’t believe how this is a new product for us here. Noam was even voted Israel’s “Best Product of the Year 2023,” which speaks volumes.

YW: That’s impressive! Before we wrap up, do you have any final thoughts on how Noam is changing how you and others enjoy water?

Ayala: Honestly, I think Noam is more than just a water dispenser. It’s about convenience, especially for busy people like me. Whether it’s quickly putting up supper or Shabbos prep, needing that perfect cup of hot or cold water, it simplifies things. I’m excited to have it in my home. We’re enjoying water in a whole new way and drinking a lot more water. Hopefully, it’ll encourage us all to stay better hydrated too!

YW: It sounds like a great addition to any kitchen! I must say you have me intrigued and I’m going to do some research of my own. Thanks so much for talking to us today.

For more information, visit or call 347-503-3082.

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