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Killed In A Stabbing Attack In Hadera: Rafael Mordechai Fishoff Hy”d Father Of Six Children

A korban tzibbur from Hadera: The holy and pure avreich Rabbi Rafael Mordechai Fishoff left his apartment to go to kollel yesterday with his sefer under his arm* A murderous terrorist stabbed him and left him on the ground, bleeding * With his last shreds of strength, he made it to the neighbor’s home to get help, but collapsed there and lost consciousness* After an intensive fight for his life, his holy neshama soared to Shamayim, leaving behind a broken young widow and six orphans 

It’s our tragedy- a tragedy for each and every one of us. The tzaddik of an avreich, HaGaon Rabbi Rafael Mordechai Fishoff zt”l, left his apartment to go to his kollel. As he left the building, a vicious Muslim terrorist attacked him and stabbed him to death.

At first Rabbi Fishoff, with his last shred of strength, managed to make it to his neighbor’s apartment, where he collapsed. The Hatzolah paramedics were called to the scene and performed resuscitation procedures, and Rabbi Fishoff was rushed to the Hillel Yaffa hospital in the city, where he underwent a number of operations in an attempt to save his life. But the decree had already been sealed, and the next day he returned his neshama to its Creator.
To help save the family whose father was murdered on erev Yom Kippur, click here>>>

Rabbi Fishoff was only 36 at the time of his murder; he was the head of a beautiful Torahdik family. Together with his wife, a respected young mechaneches in her own right, he raised six children- the youngest is two years old and the oldest is now in sixth grade.

One cannot even imagine the pain of the young widow and orphans, having their dear father taken from them so suddenly and so brutally…

The Rabbanim of the kehilla instructed the tzedakah bodies in the city to immediately launch a fund to assist the widow and orphans, to ensure they will have what to live on and to help them get married when the time comes bez”H, now that they have no father who will be able to help with the expenses.

The public is called upon to contribute generously. While we obviously cannot return this precious avreich and beloved father to his grieving family, at least we can do something concrete to make their lives that much easier and help remove the financial pressure from them to some extent as they chart a new and more complicated course in life, without a father figure.

To help save the family whose father was murdered on erev Yom Kippur, click here>>>

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