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Scheiner’s Shul: Like No Other – Now’s the Time to Take Part

In the heart of Monsey, there’s a place that transcends its role as a shul. Scheiner’s Shul is more than a place for minyanim or learning—it’s a second home for Yidden from all walks of life. No matter your background, affiliation, or even your headgear, when you step inside Scheiner’s, you’re part of a vibrant, welcoming community.

With 125 daily minyanim, 15 shiurim, and an astounding 5,000 visitors every single day, Scheiner’s Shul is abuzz with activity, morning, noon, and night. It’s a place where Torah and tefillah never stop, where 7,500 cups of coffee fuel an endless flow of Yidden connecting to their roots and to each other.

But Scheiner’s isn’t just about numbers. It’s about a sense of belonging. It’s where people from every corner of the world gather, a place where differences dissolve and the essence of community shines through. And now, that very community needs your help.

Be a Part of Something Bigger

Scheiner’s Shul has grown tremendously over the past decade. What started as a small minyan has become the heartbeat of Monsey—a spiritual hub that pulses with Torah, tefillah, and chesed. But growth comes with challenges, and now, Scheiner’s gives every mispallel—whether you come daily, once a week, or only on occasion—the zechus to take part in keeping this incredible makom Torah alive.

For only $365, you can purchase a seat in the shul and secure an eternal connection to this incredible place. It’s not just about the money; it’s about joining forces to ensure that Scheiner’s continues to be a home for every Yid who walks through its doors.

Why Your Help Matters Now

Scheiner’s Shul is more than a building—it’s the beating heart of our community, and it can’t continue to operate at this scale without your support. The time to step up is now. Whether you’ve davened here for years or only stop by occasionally, Scheiner’s is your shul, your community, your responsibility.

Imagine the zechus of helping maintain a place where thousands of Yidden come to daven, learn, and connect. By purchasing a seat or making a donation, you are ensuring that Scheiner’s can continue to be a spiritual home for all, welcoming Yidden from every corner of the world.

Join the Movement

Let’s come together and support Scheiner’s with all our hearts. This is our opportunity to take part in something much greater than ourselves—something that touches the lives of thousands every single day. 

Be a part of the community that’s more than just a shul—be a part of Scheiner’s. For more information on how you can contribute or to make your donation, visit

or to donate by phone call 845-286-9646.


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