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Gedolei HaDor Fulfill the Minhag of Kapparos With Tzedakah to Kupat Ha’ir

As is the practice with all tzedakah obligations, also the custom of kapparos is fulfilled by the Gedolei HaDor themselves with tzedakah to Kupat Ha’ir, as they instruct in their letter: “The most excellent tzedakah to tear up an unfavorable decree is tzedakah to Kupat Ha’ir.”

As is known, Maran Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztvk”l was accustomed to always give his pidyon kapparos money to Kupat Ha’ir, and the Gedolei HaDor shlit”a, who fulfill this minhag and follow in his path, some of them also using chickens, give the kapparos money to the pure tzedakah of Kupat Ha’ir.

According to what Maran Sar HaTorah ztvk”l instructed, the most basic sum for the money of pidyon kapparos is $17 per person, and since it’s an obligation it can’t be given from ma’aser money.

The amount for kofer nefesh  is $160.

In addition, Maran ztvk”l established in his famous letter “He will certainly be found meritorious in judgment” the sum of $355 for protection every day of the upcoming year.

This can also be given from ma’aser money.
To give your kapparos money, click here>>>

Kupat Ha’ir requests, on erev Yom Kippur, to remember the suffering of the needy families throughout Eretz Yisrael, whose lifesaving anchor is your participation in the Yamim Nora’im campaign, as you thereby merit the brochos of all the Gedolei HaDor shlit”a – that all donors to Kupat Ha’ir should merit a g’mar chasima tova and a good and sweet year free of misfortune.

To give your kapparos money, click here>>>

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