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You Have 15 Seconds to Get Out of the Mikvah. What Do You Do?

For secular women in Eretz Yisroel, mikvah is hard enough as is. It feels like an archaic, ancient mitzvah that takes too much time and commitment – but she knows its holy, so she pushes herself to go anyway. 

And then, as she’s standing in the room, about to fulfill her mitzvah… TZEVA ADOM! TZEVA ADOM! 

Quick, she grabs her towel and looks for where to go. The mikvah is not secured so she has only 15 seconds to safety. It takes a second to realize: she’s not going to get to the shelter in time. 

Instead, she ducks in a corner and covers her head, waiting for the threat to pass. She’s okay, but that was too close for her nerves. 

Next month, when it’s time to go to mikvah again…she doesn’t. She isn’t ready to sacrifice her safety. 

Unfortunately, for thousands of our sisters in Eretz Yisroel – especially in the north and south – rocket fire and sirens is the sad reality. 

We can make sure that, no matter what else is going on, they still feel safe going to mikvah.

When you partner with Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha, you help us build enforced mikvaos for border communities. These mikvaos are fully-sheltered so, no matter where the woman is – prep room, mikvah, or shower – she doesn’t need to run. 

Today, as we mark one year from October 7, make sure our family in Eretz Yisroel has everything they need to fulfill the mitzvah of taharas hamishpacha and start new generations of purity without any fear or anxiety. 

It’s up to us as a Klal to be there for them, to give them the opportunity for kedushah and taharah allowing them the spiritual and physical protection of mikvah.

Become their partner in taharah before Yom Kippur. Your donation ensures that thousands more will keep this foundational mitzvah, bringing the zechusim into both their homes and yours. 

Bring the merit of their mitzvos into the new year with you. 

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